Life is complex. It has a staccato rhythm them drives and falls over the drum pattern of our heart beats. It isn’t a 2 dimensional caricature or even a 3 dimensional reality. Life is a 4th dimensional invasion from a place we can’t see, only feel. Khingz makes music for life. Not just about or based on but FOR life. For living for growing and tearing down walls that might stop that process.
His art is a reflection of the art of living. As such it refuses to be nailed down, categorized, pasteurized or defined on any but its own terms. This has always been his greatest strength and challenge as a creator. Wearing and breaking labels with every song made. Daring the listener to admit that rap music can be made differently. That it can mean more. Each album created has been an exploration of who Khingz is, as well as the world that raised him.